The Investment Development Agency of the Irkutsk Region is an autonomous non-profit organization created to attract investments into the economy of the Angara region.
Joint Stock Company "Irkutsk Region Development Corporation" is engaged in the implementation of investment projects in the territory of the Angara region. The main task is to help all interested parties, from the state to the private investor, to create successfully operating industries that will give new jobs, increase regional GDP and strengthen the reputation of the Irkutsk region as a region with a secure investment climate open for cooperation.
The Industrial Development Fund was established to modernize industrial enterprises, organize new production and ensure import substitution. The Fund offers preferential conditions for co-financing projects aimed at developing new high-tech products, technical re-equipment and the creation of competitive productions based on the best available technologies.
The main objective of the Fund is to provide affordable financing for small and medium-sized businesses. The purpose of loans is really wide - from the purchase of equipment to the replenishment of working capital.
The Fund "Small and medium-sized business support center in the Irkutsk Region" was established to organize a system for supporting small and medium-sized businesses in the Irkutsk Region, consisting of: a center for supporting entrepreneurship; information and consultation centers (ICC); partner organizations of the business support center; business associations that carry out representation and protection of interests of business entities; educational institutions of higher, advanced and vocational education.
The key activity of the Fund is to expand the access of small and medium-sized businesses of the Irkutsk region to credit and other financial resources by providing guarantees on their obligations based on loan agreements and bank guarantee agreements.
Target models (Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 31, 2017 No. 147-p) Celevie modeli.pdf
Methodological recommendations on the introduction of target models (approved by the First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation dated January 31, 2012 № 717p-P13) Metod rekomendacii.pdf
Presentation of ASI target models Prezentaciya CM.pdf
Profiles of the Irkutsk region Profili CM.pdf
Road maps for the implementation of target models in the Irkutsk region::
-Obtaining a building permit DK Stroitelstvo.pdf
- Registration of ownership DK Registraciya.pdf
- Сadastral registration DK Kadastr.pdf
- Implementation of control and supervisory activities DK KND.pdf
- Support for SME DK Podderzhka MSP.pdf
- Technological connection to electrical networks DK Elektrichestvo.pdf
- Connection to heat supply, water supply DK Kommunalnie sistemi.pdf
- Quality of regional legislation DK NPA.pdf
- Efficiency of direct channels DK Kanali svyazi.pdf
- Quality of the investment portal DK Portal.pdf
- Efficiency of the activity of the specialized organization DK Specorganizaciya.pdf
Responsible for implementing target models in the Irkutsk region
Responsible for implementing target models in the Irkutsk region " Otvetstvennie_za_CM.pdf
Participants of working groups on introduction of target models in the Irkutsk region
- Obtaining permission to build RG Stroitelstvo.pdf
- Registration of ownership RG Registraciya.pdf
- Cadastral registration RG Kadastr.pdf
- Implementation of control and supervisory activities RG KND.pdf
- Support for SME RG Podderzhka MSP.pdf
- Technological connection to the electrical networks RG Energetika.pdf
- Connection to heat supply, water supply and wastewater disposal RG Kommunalnie sistemi.pdf
- Regional legislation, direct channels, investment portal RG Standart.pdf
- Efficiency of the activity of the specialized organization RG Specorganizaciya.pdf
2. National rating of the investment climate
The Atlas of Municipal Practices is a collection of approved successful practices aimed at qualitative development of territories and the business environment improvement at the municipal level.
Volume 1 is a collection of approved successful practices aimed at qualitative development of territories and the business environment improvement at the municipal level:
1. Normative provision (8 practices).
2. Information support (3 practices).
3. Organizational support (4 practices).
4. Practical support (7 practices).
5. Staff assistance (1 practice).
The Atlas of Municipal Practices includes two volumes.
В Volume 1 presents a list of basic successful practices that are recommended for implementation in all groups of municipalities, as well as a list of additional practices that are recommended for implementation, taking into account the specifics common to a particular group of municipalities. The recommendations contain a list of necessary actions for the successful implementation of practice, based on the experience of municipalities.
В Volume 2 presents a detailed description of the implementation experience, both basic and additional successful practices, on the basis of which the recommendations included in Volume 1 are prepared.
On the basis of the Atlas, manuals on the introduction of successful practices aimed at the development and support of small and medium-sized businesses at the municipal level have been prepared.
Successful practices are recommended for implementation in all municipalities, regardless of the type of municipalities, since the possibility of their implementation is confirmed by the current examples.
The Atlas of municipal practices Atlas municipalnih praktik.pdf
The manual for the implementation of successful practices aimed at development and support of small and medium-sized businesses at the municipal level, in separate groups of municipalities (urban districts, municipal districts, urban and rural settlements) Posobie dlya municipalnih obrazovanij.pdf
The manual on the introduction of successful practices aimed at the development and support of small and medium-sized businesses at the municipal level, in single-industry cities Posobie dlya monogorodov.pdf
Standard order of measures aimed at the development of small and medium-sized businesses and the removal of administrative barriers in municipalities Tipovoj poryadok.pdf
Contact persons in the Ministry of Economic Development of the Irkutsk Region on implementation of the Atlas of municipal practices: Telenkevich Valentin Valentinovich - Head of Investment Development Department, tel. (3952) 24-17-37, e-mail:; Salanovich Anton Sergeevich - Deputy Head of the Investment Policy and PPP Department, tel. (3952) 20-00-25, e-mail:
Seminar with single-industry municipal entities on February 28, 2017
Mayarenkov S.Y. "Results of the pilot approbation of the Atlas of municipal practices" Itogi pilotnoj aprobacii.pdf
Buldakov M.V. "Organizational issues of the introduction of successful practices" Organizacionnie voprosi.pdf
Stelnikova N.Y. "Implementation of the best municipal practices in Bratsk" Bratsk vnedrenie Atlasa.pdf
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